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Make your business more findable.

In recent years, consumers have increasingly searched online for their information. This ensures that traditional media such as newspapers, television and radio are no longer the only source of information and that, for example, Google is much more. Different types of name recognition Not only the newspaper but also the online article is becoming increasingly important. That’s why we explain in this article how to make your business easy to find in combination with offline advertising on the internet.

A website The first step to being visible online is to create a website if you don’t have one yet. Your website is the calling card of the online visitor and can also be used for sales or other conversion purposes. Having a website created is a one-off investment and does not have to be very expensive, in many cases this can be done from as much as € 300. Google is the largest search engine in the Netherlands. Your website is found online by being in the right locations above.

Do you want to be found as a bicycle repair shop in Groningen? This can be done by setting up seo in the right way. Link building is an important part of this. Do you want to know what this is or know how outsourcing link building  works? Then read more on  Equote.eu!

Make your business more findable.


If you have a website, advertising can also increase brand awareness. This can be done in many different ways. For example, by posting a sponsored message on an interesting website or by placing a banner of your website on other websites. Good ads can reach the audience you want to reach with your brand.

That is why a local approach is a good step for many companies to reach the target group economically. For example, by placing banners in local media, you increase your brand awareness in a certain environment. Apart from the fact that advertising increases brand awareness. We often see that this also helps in Google results. Advertising ensures that more signals reach your brand, making Google find your website more relevant.