If you dream of becoming an internet marketer, want to learn how to understand marketing processes, or simply want to be inspired by non-standard methods, start with specialized literature! We present to your attention the coolest selection of 10 books on internet marketing that will pump even the most seasoned marketer! Seth Godin “Purple Cow. Make your business stand out!” Seth Godin is not only an excellent marketer, but also kind of a visionary. The book “Purple Cow. Make Your Business Stand Out!” Brought him worldwide fame and made many brand managers, marketers and entrepreneurs look at the company from a different angle. Why “purple cow”? Because if you are a cow with a different color, you will go unnoticed. Because there is so much advertising noise around, it is difficult for a buyer to pick one person when everyone looks the same. And everyone is interested in seeing the purple cow, it is interesting to tell about her. Give people what they want – a vacation, they’ve had enough of everyday life without you! Barden Phil “Hacking Marketing” Barden Phil’s bestselling “Marketing Hack” can rightly be considered one of the best books of its kind. This is a brain storm! The author does not reinvent the wheel, does not sell air, the author refers to the results of Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman’s scientific research in the field of economics. Using numerous examples, the marketer explains why someone reacts in some way to a purchase, what scientifically influences decision-making, and why we sometimes cannot explain the logic of a purchase made. This book is not about strategies in general, it is a book about buyers, about you and me. About which buttons to lightly press, so that the buyer himself longs to buy only from you. Is it unbelievable? No magic – just science! Spencer S., Eng E., Fikshin R., Stricchiola D. “SEO – the art of website promotion” The book “SEO – The Art of Website Promotion” can rightly be considered a desktop textbook on search engine marketing. This may be the best book in its field, it’s hard to come up with more detailed instructions on the basics of optimization. The book’s authors are SEO gurus – the owners and managers of the four largest companies in the world. Successful and practicing specialists in nearly 600 pages of the book shared their knowledge of how websites and SEO content are created, how to analyze efficiency, what criteria to select skilled personnel and what the future prospects of SEO tools are. The book is definitely worth a read for all search engine optimization beginners and practitioners as the concentration of almost complete information on SEO is off the charts! Michael Stelzner “Content marketing. New methods of attraction in the internet age “ In his book, Michael Stelzner, creator of one of the world’s most successful social media marketing blogs SocialMediaExaminer.com, discusses how to achieve business success with content marketing and what relationships you need to develop with potential buyers to really turn them into the category. The main idea of โโthe book, paradoxically, stop selling! The author transfers the buyer from the category of a target to the category of a friend whose problems are important to know, what it is important to write about and offer their solution. First you need to interest the audience, gain confidence by becoming an expert for them in the chosen field, and only then dilute the content very carefully and unobtrusively with advertisements. People distrust intrusive ads, they just ignore it. Many companies act aggressively about self-promotion – they talk a lot about themselves, and people are interested in listening and reading about themselves, about what is useful and interesting to them. Stelzner emphasizes the usefulness of content: more useful content, less marketing messages. Avinash Koshik “Web analysis 2.0 in practice” Avianash Koshik, who has written one of the best web analytics books, speaks at various specialist conferences, lectures for students, and consults major companies on the Internet such as Google. The portfolio is impressive, isn’t it? ๐ In his book, the author with a particular passion analyzes examples down to the smallest detail, examines the solution of problems from different angles, describes the current state of the web space, learns the selection of tools, the analysis of the information received. It is known that with the help of web analytics tools, you can get a ton of information about the site’s behavioral factors, but the most important thing you need to be able to do is analyze and process the information so that you can effectively influence conversion rates. Perry Marshall & Brian Todd Contextual Advertising That Works. The Google AdWords Bible “ The book by two leading business analytics gurus Marshall and Todd is recommended by experts, considered the best guide to contextual advertising by beginners and practitioners, and used by business owners in their work. Everyone wants to make money on the internet, but you can read in this book how to do that correctly and at the lowest cost. You’ll find all the information you need here, from an introduction to search theory, to analyzing and extracting the semantic core, planning an ad campaign in Goggle AdWords, writing catchy ads, and plenty of test theories. All information is arranged on the shelves, structured and answers almost all questions related to advertising in search engines. Steve Krug “How do you make a website user-friendly. Usability according to Steve Krug’s method “ Steve Krug’s book “How to make a website user-friendly. Steve Krug Usability “is the best proof of how users’ views of the usability of programs or sites differ from those of programmers. Author’s usability testing methods give you a new way of looking at website development. You don’t see a step-by-step guide there, but you read interesting stories from the life of someone who has spent years working on methods to improve websites. This book is useful not only for testers and website developers, but also for managers who want to understand how the web programming kitchen works. By the way, the author’s characteristic ironic presentation style is so nuanced that the book is read in the same breath and only lets go of the last lines. Zinser William How to write well. The Classic Guide to Non-Fiction Writing “ Despite the fact that William Zinser’s book was published as early as 1976 and reprinted several times since then, it still doesn’t lose its relevance. The author pays a lot of attention to working on errors – removing verbal waste, identifying dangerous expressions, the need to make the text simple and understandable for the reader. In the book you will find descriptions of writing methods, recommendations for the choice of genres for writing articles. William Zinser’s main message – don’t inherit me, heed my rules and reformat them for yourself. Trout Jack, Al Rice “Positioning: Battle for Minds” Positioning: Battle for Minds is a legendary book that made a lot of fuss in its day, changing the usual view of marketing, its basics and methods. Needless to say, why is this book worth reading for all advertising and PR professionals? ๐ The book will also be useful for entrepreneurs who plan to have a long-term presence in the market. The main message of the book is that the essence of achieving success in the competition is not in the product itself, however superior, but in the idea of โโhow it is presented to the buyer. Instagram Marketing: Road to 100k Instagram Followers This ebook is a comprehensive look at how to go from Instagram novice to Instagram expert or entrepreneur. In 3 years I have gained more than 10 million Instagram followers for myself and my clients. I represent full-time clients. They are giants in the industry who run their own companies. The company’s monthly income is in excess of $ 500,000, and by attracting tens of thousands of target followers every day, it actually helps them grow the business through social media. What I cover in this ebook: Decide which brand you want to launch on Instagram Make an action plan for 12 months How to increase loyalty to 100,000 followers How to monetize the following and use your account as leverage Learn the full Instagram algorithm ….. more info can be found here «Road to 100k Instagram Followers»! marketing via instagram marketing book
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